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Aiemmin yhteensä 2 viestiä tässä keskustelussa.

Kirjoittaja: satu Aika: 10.04.2010 17:39 Naisten 9-pallo kisat
Tervetuloa kaikki naiset 24.04 klo 12.00 Himabaariin naisten 9-pallo kisoihin. Osallistumismaksu on 3 euroa.

Kirjoittaja: zEPqeDbDIvBlFXc Aika: 28.09.2012 01:10 eJgGVGlVH
Oh my goodness, Mari...talk about serosny overload! Each photo just kept getting better & better!The lamb is luscious looking...we grilled tiny l.chops last night & there are 2 leftover for DH's lunch today. I've never tried to make pita bread, though. Your salad looks divine, esp. against that cobalt blue.We grew ONE plant of the low acid yellow tomatoes, just for fun. I liked them but DH wasn't thrilled. I bet if I blindfolded him, he wouldn't have known the difference. LOL Pat the Kitty for me, k?fondly,Rett